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  • #16797 18/08/2009


    Sơ sinh

    Hồ Chí Minh, Việt Nam
    Tham gia:06/05/2009
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    Cùng học English

    Mình thấy đối với sinh viên bây giờ Tiếng Anh rất cần thiết, hay là chúng ta lập một cái topic ở đây, cùng nhau trao đổi về việc học Tiếng Anh, bạn nào có những bài học English hay thì chia sẻ, bạn nào có những câu Tiếng Anh ko tự giải được thì có thể đem ra đây để cùng nhau học tập, mình tin trong này cũng có rất nhiều bạn thích học Tiếng Anh, mọi người thấy thế nào?
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  • #16818   02/08/2009


    Sơ sinh

    Hồ Chí Minh, Việt Nam
    Tham gia:06/05/2009
    Tổng số bài viết (108)
    Số điểm: 155
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    Được cảm ơn 5 lần

    We learn not at school, but in life

    Bạn dxdaoxuan làm mình mất tự tin quá, xưa nay mình cứ dịch câu đó là "học thầy ko tày học bạn", mình hiểu câu đó gần gần giống với câu tục ngữ việt nam, tức là học ở trường ko bao hàm hết, nên phải học từ cuộc sống, từ bạn bè nữa.
    Nếu dịch là "Chúng tôi không học ở học đường, nhưng trong cuộc sống" thì nghe có vẻ hơi thiếu thuyết phục, vì làm sao có thể phủ nhận học đường như thế được. Chúng ta ko chỉ học ở học đường mà còn học ở cuộc sống mới đúng chứ. Thực tình trình độ hiểu biết còn hạn chế nên viendanho thật sự ko biết câu trên thì người bản ngữ hiểu thế nào? Ở đây có ai biết chỉ dùm viendanho với.
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  • #16819   02/08/2009

    Top 150
    Lớp 2

    Hồ Chí Minh, Việt Nam
    Tham gia:25/04/2009
    Tổng số bài viết (575)
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    Những người đàn ông nào nhìn ra cú pháp của câu "Woman without her man is nothing." thì không thể giận được; các chị em đọc câu này thì giận là phải rồi. Câu này được hiểu là "Phụ nữ mà không có chồng thì vô nghĩa".

    Quy tắc viết một câu đúng là viết đúng văn phạm, cú pháp, bên cạnh việc sử dụng đúng từ ngữ, để làm sao một câu diễn đạt một nghĩa duy nhất, tránh tình trạng nghĩa mơ hồ, gây hiểu nhầm. Để hiểu đúng một câu viết, ngoài việc hiểu nghĩa của số từ ngữ được dùng trong câu, các bạn cần phải vận dụng các yếu tố văn phạm, cú pháp hiện diện trong câu để góp phần "giải mã" trọn vẹn ý nghĩa của câu - nhất là đối với các ngôn ngữ thuộc họ Ấn-Âu (tiếng Anh, Pháp, Đức, Nga …), "mật độ" văn phạm, cú pháp được sử dụng rất nhiều trong câu. Trong quá trình đọc hiểu này, điều tối kỵ là không được thêm bớt dấu câu và/hoặc làm thay đổi cấu trúc của câu gốc như bạn ntdieu đã làm ở câu thứ nhất và thứ hai. Bởi lẽ, việc thêm bớt hay thay đổi như vậy sẽ dẫn đến việc nghĩa của câu bị thay đổi. Nói khác đi, câu đó được hiểu theo nghĩa "tam sao thất bổn", trong khi câu gốc chỉ mang một nghĩa duy nhất.


    Câu gốc em viendanho đưa ra là: Woman without her man is nothing. Về mặt cú pháp, chủ ngữ đứng trước động từ "is" là toàn bộ nhóm từ "Woman without her man", trong đó, từ ngữ đóng vai trò chủ từ thật sự là "Woman" và "without her man" là cụm từ có vai trò hạn chế nghĩa của chủ từ. Do đó, chủ ngữ của câu này là "bất khả phân ly", tức là, bốn từ này buộc phải đi liền liên tục với nhau mà không có bất kỳ dấu câu nào chen vào. Có một lựa chọn khác mà có thể giữ nguyên nghĩa của câu: Without her man, woman is nothing.


    Như vậy, câu thứ nhất của bạn ntdieu cần viết lại là: Woman without her man is nothing, giống như trong câu gốc của viendanho. Đối với câu thứ hai, nếu muốn hiểu theo nghĩa này thì cần viết lại là: Without woman, man is nothing hoặc Man without his woman is nothing.


    Tuy nhiên, tôi nhận thấy câu gốc của viendanho đưa ra có cái gì đó thiếu thiếu. Có vài lời nhận xét về câu này như sau.


    Chữ "woman" khi được dùng ở số ít mà không có mạo từ ("a"/"the") đứng trước nó có nghĩa "tập thể" là "phụ nữ, nữ giới". Viết như vậy là không nên khi hành văn vì phái đẹp sẽ giận lắm á. Do đó, câu này cần phải viết là: A woman without her man is nothing - dù sao, cách viết này cũng đỡ quơ đũa cả nắm hơn.


    Tuy nhiên, câu gốc của viendanho cũng đúng văn phạm, nhưng lúc này câu có nghĩa hơi khác mà chung quy vẫn có nghĩa là đàn ông quan trọng hơn. "Woman" và "man" trong trường hợp này mang nghĩa là "chữ woman", "chữ/âm tiết man" chứ không chỉ người. Đúng ra, hai từ này phải để trong dấu ngoặc kép, và "her" được dùng thay cho "its" để nhân cách hóa. Đây là trường hợp chơi chữ với từ "woman". Tức là, từ "woman" có hai âm tiết; bỏ âm tiết thứ nhất "wo-" thì còn lại "man" vẫn có "ý nghĩa". Nếu bỏ âm tiết thứ hai thì "wo-" là vô nghĩa. Thông qua việc chơi chữ này, người ta hàm ý rằng đàn ông là trụ cột, là được sinh ra trước, giống như Adam và Eva vậy. "wo-" chẳng khác nào là cái xương sườn của Adam. Một sự trùng hợp ngẫu nhiên.

    Luật sư Trần Đình Bảo Quốc

    (Đoàn Luật sư TP. Hồ Chí Minh)

    DĐ: 098 3600737



    Head Office:

    464 Lạc Long Quân

    Phường 5, Quận 11

    TP. Hồ Chí Minh

    Tel: (+84 8) 3975 1734

    Fax: (+84 8) 3975 5681

    E-mail: quoctranpllc@gmail.com

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    1 thành viên cảm ơn quoctranllc vì bài viết hữu ích
    KIDT20042004 (20/03/2012)
  • #16820   02/08/2009

    Top 200

    Cần Thơ, Việt Nam
    Tham gia:23/08/2008
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    Hiện nay đa số chúng ta có thể dễ dàng nói nhưng lại khá khó khắn khi viết từ đó ra, đôi khi đọc nhưng trong đầu không thể nhớ hầu hết các từ của chữ đó. Giống như khi bạn đọc trừ "stressed" thì khi dứt từ bạn phải có âm "st" thì mới ra từ được.
    Cerano nghĩ cái khó nhất là phần phát âm, chỉ khi phát âm đúng thì người nghe mới hiểu được phải không nè. Hiện nay cerano đang học luyện phát âm lại từ đầu để khi nói người ta hiểu mình nói gì. Mà thường khi học phát âm cho đã rồi đến khi nói thì quên mất tiêu
    I can speak, but i think i haven`t enought confident when i`m writting. I like listening and speaking. I think when you talk with someone, you need smile. when you`re wrong, don`t worry, let`s smile and talk "Could you like to speak again?" Or "Can you speak slowly, please?"...
    Maybe, i have mistakes, but i don`t worry so much. I can improve my kill with your kill, your knowledge,.....in this topic

    Cập nhật bởi cerano vào lúc 02/08/2009 22:09:40
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  • #16821   02/08/2009


    Sơ sinh

    Hồ Chí Minh, Việt Nam
    Tham gia:06/05/2009
    Tổng số bài viết (108)
    Số điểm: 155
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    Được cảm ơn 5 lần

    My American friend said that when she chat with me, she thought my english is quite good. But when we talk togerther, She find that I can't hear and speak well. When I try to say the word "suddenly", She hears "certainly". It's terrible.

    Because my intonation is not good, she often doesn't understand me.
    Since i know her, i know that how bad my english is. But that she make me happy that she believe in my writing. When she doesn't understand what I said, I just write down what I have said,so  it is okie.
    Sometimes she says that my writing is so funny, but she can understand.

    I agree with ceraro that pronunciation is the most difficult. In english just have 5 vowels, but you know, when we write in the same form, we can say in many different ways. Ex: We write "u", but we can say "u:", "ju:" and "U".

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  • #16822   04/08/2009

    Top 150
    Lớp 2

    Hồ Chí Minh, Việt Nam
    Tham gia:25/04/2009
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    Qua đây, tôi xin "dán" lên hai điều luật liên bang Mỹ để các bạn tham khảo tiếng Anh pháp lý. Thật ra, tiếng Anh pháp lý cũng không có gì "ghê gớm" cho lắm. Nếu các bạn đang ở đúng trình độ C tiếng Anh hoặc Toefl trở lên là có thể đọc hiểu tốt điều luật này rồi.


    15 USC Sec. 2063. Product certification and labeling



        (a) Certification accompanying product; products with more than one


          (1) Every manufacturer of a product which is subject to a

        consumer product safety standard under this chapter and which is

        distributed in commerce (and the private labeler of such product if

        it bears a private label) shall issue a certificate which shall

        certify that such product conforms to all applicable consumer

        product safety standards, and shall specify any standard which is

        applicable. Such certificate shall accompany the product or shall

        otherwise be furnished to any distributor or retailer to whom the

        product is delivered. Any certificate under this subsection shall

        be based on a test of each product or upon a reasonable testing

        program; shall state the name of the manufacturer or private

        labeler issuing the certificate; and shall include the date and

        place of manufacture.

          (2) In the case of a consumer product for which there is more

        than one manufacturer or more than one private labeler, the

        Commission may by rule designate one or more of such manufacturers

        or one or more of such private labelers (as the case may be) as the

        persons who shall issue the certificate required by paragraph (1)

        of this subsection, and may exempt all other manufacturers of such

        product or all other private labelers of the product (as the case

        may be) from the requirement under paragraph (1) to issue a

        certificate with respect to such product.

        (b) Rules to establish reasonable testing programs

          The Commission may by rule prescribe reasonable testing programs

        for consumer products which are subject to consumer product safety

        standards under this chapter and for which a certificate is

        required under subsection (a) of this section. Any test or testing

        program on the basis of which a certificate is issued under

        subsection (a) of this section may, at the option of the person

        required to certify the product, be conducted by an independent

        third party qualified to perform such tests or testing programs.

        (c) Form and contents of labels

          The Commission may by rule require the use and prescribe the form

        and content of labels which contain the following information (or

        that portion of it specified in the rule) -

            (1) The date and place of manufacture of any consumer product.

            (2) A suitable identification of the manufacturer of the

          consumer product, unless the product bears a private label in

          which case it shall identify the private labeler and shall also

          contain a code mark which will permit the seller of such product

          to identify the manufacturer thereof to the purchaser upon his


            (3) In the case of a consumer product subject to a consumer

          product safety rule, a certification that the product meets all

          applicable consumer product safety standards and a specification

          of the standards which are applicable.


        Such labels, where practicable, may be required by the Commission

        to be permanently marked on or affixed to any such consumer

        product. The Commission may, in appropriate cases, permit

        information required under paragraphs (1) and (2) of this

        subsection to be coded.




    16 CFR  Part 1110


    § 1110.1   Purpose and scope.


    (a) This part 1110:


    (1) Limits the entities required to provide certificates in accordance with section 14(a) of the Consumer Product Safety Act, as amended (CPSA), 15 U.S.C. 2063(a), to importers and U.S. domestic manufacturers;


    (2) Specifies the content, form, and availability requirements of the CPSA that must be met for a certificate to satisfy the certificate requirements of section 14(a); and


    (3) Specifies means by which an electronic certificate shall meet those requirements.


    (b) This part 1110 does not address issues related to type or frequency of testing necessary to satisfy the certification requirements of CPSA section 14(a). It does not address issues related to CPSA section 14(g)(4) concerning advance filing of electronic certificates of compliance with the Commission and/or the Commissioner of Customs.


    § 1110.3   Definitions.


    The following definitions apply for purposes of this part 1110.


    (a) Electronic certificate means, for purposes of this part 1110, a set of information available in, and accessible by, electronic means that sets forth the information required by CPSA section 14(a) and section 14(g) and that meets the availability requirements of CPSA section 14(g)(3).


    (b) Unless otherwise stated, the definitions of section 3 of the CPSA and additional definitions in the Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act of 2008 (CPSIA), Pub. L. 110–314, apply for purposes of this part 1110.


    § 1110.5   Acceptable certificates.


    A certificate that is in hard copy or electronic form and complies with all applicable requirements of this part 1110 meets the certificate requirements of section 14 of the CPSA. This does not relieve the importer or domestic manufacturer from the underlying statutory requirements concerning the supporting testing and/or other bases to support certification and issuance of certificates.


    § 1110.7   Who must certify and provide a certificate.


    (a) Imports. Except as otherwise provided in a specific standard, in the case of a product manufactured outside the United States, only the importer must certify in accordance with, and provide the certificate required by, CPSA section 14(a) as applicable, that the product or shipment in question complies with all applicable CPSA rules and all similar rules, bans, standards, and regulations applicable to the product or shipment under any other Act enforced by the Commission.


    (b) Domestic products. Except as otherwise provided in a specific standard, in the case of a product manufactured in the United States, only the manufacturer must certify in accordance with, and provide the certificate required by, CPSA section 14(a) as applicable, that the product or shipment in question complies with all applicable CPSA rules and all similar rules, bans, standards, and regulations applicable to the product or shipment under any other Act enforced by the Commission.


    (c) Availability of certificates —(1) Imports. In the case of imports, the certificate required by CPSA section 14(a) must be available to the Commission from the importer as soon as the product or shipment itself is available for inspection in the United States.


    (2) Domestic products. In the case of domestic products, the certificate required by CPSA section 14(a) must be available to the Commission from the manufacturer prior to introduction of the product or shipment in question into domestic commerce.


    § 1110.9   Form of certificate.


    As required by CPSA section 14(g)(2), the information on a hard copy or electronic certificate must be provided in English and may be provided in any other language.


    § 1110.11   Content of certificate.


    As required by CPSA sections 14(a) and 14(g), a certificate must contain the following information:


    (a) Identification of the product covered by the certificate.


    (b) Citation to each CPSC product safety regulation or statutory requirement to which the product is being certified. Specifically, the certificate shall identify separately each applicable consumer product safety rule under the Consumer Product Safety Act and any similar rule, ban, standard or regulation under any other Act enforced by the Commission that is applicable to the product.


    (c) Identification of the importer or domestic manufacturer certifying compliance of the product, including the importer or domestic manufacturer's name, full mailing address, and telephone number.


    (d) Contact information for the individual maintaining records of test results, including the custodian's name, e-mail address, full mailing address, and telephone number. (CPSC suggests that each issuer maintain test records supporting the certification for at least three years as is currently required by certain consumer product specific CPSC standards, for example at 16 CFR 1508.10 for full-size baby cribs.)


    (e) Date (month and year at a minimum) and place (including city and state, country, or administrative region) where the product was manufactured. If the same manufacturer operates more than one location in the same city, the street address of the factory in question should be provided.


    (f) Date and place (including city and state, country or administrative region) where the product was tested for compliance with the regulation(s) cited above in subsection (b).


    (g) Identification of any third-party laboratory on whose testing the certificate depends, including name, full mailing address and telephone number of the laboratory.


    § 1110.13   Availability of electronic certificate.


    (a) CPSA section 14(g)(3) requires that the certificates required by section 14(a) “accompany” each product or product shipment and be “furnished” to each distributor and retailer of the product in question.


    (1) An electronic certificate satisfies the “accompany” requirement if the certificate is identified by a unique identifier and can be accessed via a World Wide Web URL or other electronic means, provided the URL or other electronic means and the unique identifier are created in advance and are available, along with access to the electronic certificate itself, to the Commission or to the Customs authorities as soon as the product or shipment itself is available for inspection.


    (2) An electronic certificate satisfies the “furnish” requirement if the distributor(s) and retailer(s) of the product are provided a reasonable means to access the certificate.


    (b) An electronic certificate shall have a means to verify the date of its creation or last modification.


    § 1110.15   Legal responsibility for certificate information.


    Any entity or entities may maintain an electronic certificate platform and may enter the requisite data. However, the entity or entities required by CPSA section 14(a) to issue the certificate remain legally responsible for the accuracy and completeness of the certificate information required by statute and its availability in timely fashion. @

    Luật sư Trần Đình Bảo Quốc

    (Đoàn Luật sư TP. Hồ Chí Minh)

    DĐ: 098 3600737



    Head Office:

    464 Lạc Long Quân

    Phường 5, Quận 11

    TP. Hồ Chí Minh

    Tel: (+84 8) 3975 1734

    Fax: (+84 8) 3975 5681

    E-mail: quoctranpllc@gmail.com

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  • #16823   12/08/2009


    Sơ sinh

    Hồ Chí Minh, Việt Nam
    Tham gia:06/05/2009
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    Hi, when reading Mr Quoctranllc's posting, I understand at all but some words I don't know how to translate into VNese, such as subsection, chapter, paragraph, section,...
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  • #16824   12/08/2009

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    Hồ Chí Minh, Việt Nam
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    Các điều luật trong các đạo luật của Mỹ được gọi là "Section", chẳng hạn, Section 1 nghĩa là Điều 1. Subsection nghĩa là "khoản". Các từ khác như chapter, part, paragraph thì có nghĩa như bình thường, theo tuần tự là chương, phần, đoạn.

    Luật sư Trần Đình Bảo Quốc

    (Đoàn Luật sư TP. Hồ Chí Minh)

    DĐ: 098 3600737



    Head Office:

    464 Lạc Long Quân

    Phường 5, Quận 11

    TP. Hồ Chí Minh

    Tel: (+84 8) 3975 1734

    Fax: (+84 8) 3975 5681

    E-mail: quoctranpllc@gmail.com

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  • #16825   12/08/2009


    Sơ sinh

    Hồ Chí Minh, Việt Nam
    Tham gia:06/05/2009
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    Hi, hỏi cho nó chắc ăn ấy mà.
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  • #16826   12/08/2009


    Sơ sinh

    Hồ Chí Minh, Việt Nam
    Tham gia:06/05/2009
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    Đang buồn đời thì đọc được bài viết cũng khá hay nên post lên cho mọi người cùng xem. Thực ra những cái này đều được nghe rồi nhưng mỗi lần đọc lại là một lần thấy mình chưa đâu vào đâu cả. Bài này cũng ít từ mới nên khá dễ hiểu. Mọi người có thể cùng chia sẻ và thảo luận cho vui

    If you’re looking to live a life of purpose and meaning, continue reading this article. Following are tips for those who want to offer themselves to the world and want to leave their mark of change.
    1. Get clear on what you value.  What innate qualities do you value in other people, such as honesty, authenticity, intellect? What are you willing to stand for and defend?
    2. Get clear on what you are best at doing and being. Everyone has innate talents and strengths. Identify yours and utilize them to the best of your ability in your everyday life.
    3. Take a long hard look at your current situation. Look at your current lifestyle and determine whether or not it includes your values and strengths. Figure out how you can get your current life to change and align with your strengths and values.
    4. Build a support network of people who have a positive energy
    5. Devise a way to create space in your life to focus solely on your vision. Any time in your day, from a few minutes to an hour can give you time to plan and act out your life plan.
    The most important factor in living your life purpose is uncovering the compelling force within you that will propel you into action. You have to want it badly enough to do something about it. Have confidence in yourself and know that the path you choose was designated especially for you. Follow it bravely and live life to the fullest.
    Even with these tips, the most important part is finding what drives you to action. Your desire for this should be great to push you to action, and confidence in what you’ve chosen. Live your life to the fullest and follow your personal path with bravery. and
    impact on you. When making significant changes in your life, you will want people who support and believe in you. One valuable strategy in this is working with a life coach or mentor.

    Mình trích từ link này đó
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  • #16827   12/08/2009


    Sơ sinh

    Hồ Chí Minh, Việt Nam
    Tham gia:06/05/2009
    Tổng số bài viết (108)
    Số điểm: 155
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    Được cảm ơn 5 lần

    Hix, đoạn 4 cop thiếu

    4. Build a support network of people who have a positive energy and impact on you. When making significant changes in your life, you will want people who support and believe in you. One valuable strategy in this is working with a life coach or mentor.
    Báo quản trị |  
  • #16828   12/08/2009


    Sơ sinh

    Hồ Chí Minh, Việt Nam
    Tham gia:06/05/2009
    Tổng số bài viết (108)
    Số điểm: 155
    Cảm ơn: 0
    Được cảm ơn 5 lần

    After reading the above, I have not found out what I am best at doing and what can propel me into action yet. I think deeply but still don't know where the path was designated for me is.

    Any of you can know exactly who you are and what your life purpose is?

    Hix, ko hiểu sao viết xong lại thấy thiếu tự tin về ngữ pháp, mọi người thấy có gì sai cứ góp ý thẳng thắn nhé.
    Báo quản trị |  
  • #16829   17/08/2009

    Top 500
    Sơ sinh

    Hà Nội, Việt Nam
    Tham gia:08/09/2008
    Tổng số bài viết (135)
    Số điểm: 345
    Cảm ơn: 0
    Được cảm ơn 5 lần

    vui quá ha...

    - Lần đầu có 1 topic về tiếng Anh, mình nghĩ Ban Quản Trị nên tạo ra 1 box riêng thì thích hợp hơn, mọi thành viên sẽ có thể tham gia tốt hơn.
    - Từ xưa tới giờ, có thể nói, chương trình dạy tiếng Anh cho học sinh từ tiểu học cho đến trung học phổ thông, thậm chí 1 số trường Đại học quá chú trọng đến giáo trình, ăn sâu vào giáo trình, mà tiều biểu là: ngữ pháp, kỹ năng nghe và phát âm bị bỏ qua hoặc học gọi là cho có, nếu bạn nào nhớ lại mình khi xưa học bạn có thể dễ dàng nhận ra rằng, mình phát âm chả bao giờ được đúng trọng âm của từ. Không bao giờ được học cách phát âm 1 từ như thế nào, tức là cách để lưỡi, cách lấy hơi, cách nhấn mạnh trọng tâm, cách đọc nối từ cho đúng.
    - trước đây, cũng như nhiều bạn khác, t cũng chăm chăm "cày" ngữ pháp tiếng Anh theo đúng sách giáo khoa vậy, cốt sao cho làm bài kiểm tra, hay thi đúng ngữ pháp điểm tốt là được. Và, hầu như, sau 1 thời gian, học lại quên, quên rồi lại học, học lại quên...cứ thế...
    - Học tiếng Anh cả là 1 quá trình, nếu ta bỏ qua nó trong 1 thời gian ngắn, sẽ quên 1 phần lớn, phần còn nhớ được , nó sẽ bị lẫn lộn với nhau...
    - Học Anh quan trọng nhất, đầu tiên là vốn từ và cách phát âm nó cho thật đúng, bởi lẽ, chúng ta học ANh, đầu tiên là phải giao tiếp, sau đó mới nói đến dùng trong công việc. Không nói được, sao viết được ! Khi không có vốn từ > ta có thể hình dung, diễn thuyết thật cụ thể bằng tiếng Việt, nhưng ta lại không thể nói bằng tiếng Anh, phát âm không đúng > người nghe không thể hiểu, hoặc hiểu sai, và điều tệ hại nhất đó là người ta nói, mình không thể nghe, hiểu được họ nói gì, chỉ nghe được bóng gió 1 vài từ...
    - Anh chuyên ngành Luật, thực tế, là chúng ta học 1 quyển từ điển Luật học bằng tiếng Anh, ngữ pháp vẫn theo quy tắc vậy.
    - Cuộc sống hàng ngày, chúng ta vẫn thường xuyên sử dụng "tiếng lóng" . "thuật ngữ", người Anh -Mỹ... cũng vậy, mà những từ này, thường thì không có trong từ điển, khó là ở đó.
    - Khi đã có vốn từ, phát âm tốt, đúng ngữ pháp, chúng ta cần phải hiều về văn hóa của họ, để có thể nói được , viết được những câu, đoạn sao cho người nghe cảm giác mình nói thật tự nhiên. VD như: bạn sẽ viết thể nào bằng tiếng Anh, nếu được yêu cầu bạn nói lại những việc bạn đã làm trong hôm nay và sẽ làm ngày mai. Tôi tin rằng vô số chúng ta sẽ viết theo kiểu liệt kê các công việc mình ra, rồi viết từng việc 1 , từng câu 1. Đó, bạn có thể viết hay hơn được ko? khó là ở chỗ đó.

    Nói nhiều rồi, ai cũng hiểu, cũng biết rồi, chúng ta cùng luyện nhé, bắt đầu học từ thật vui vẻ qua thơ ANh - Việt ( search GG) :

    Long dài, short ngắn, tall cao
    Here đây, there đó, which nào, where đâu
    Sentence có nghĩa là câu
    Lesson bài học, rainbow cầu vồng

    Husband là đức ông chồng
    Daddy cha bố, please don't xin đừng
    Darling tiếng gọi em cưng
    Merry vui thích, cái sừng là horn

    Rách rồi xài đỡ chữ torn
    To sing là hát, a song một bài
    Nói sai sự thật to lie
    Go đi, come đến, một vài là some

    Đứng stand, look ngó, lie nằm
    Five năm, four bốn, hold cầm, play chơi
    One life là một cuộc đời
    Happy sung sướng, laugh cười, cry kêu

    Lover tạm dịch ngừơi yêu
    Charming duyên dáng, mỹ miều graceful
    Mặt trăng là chữ the moon
    World là thế giới, sớm soon, lake hồ

    Dao knife, spoon muỗng, cuốc hoe
    Đêm night, dark tối, khổng lồ giant
    Fund vui, die chết, near gần
    Sorry xin lỗi, dull đần, wise khôn

    Burry có nghĩa là chôn
    Our souls tạm dịch linh hồn chúng ta
    Xe hơi du lịch là car
    Sir ngài, Lord đức, thưa bà Madam

    Thousand là đúng...mười trăm
    Ngày day, tuần week, year năm, hour giờ
    Wait there đứng đó đợi chờ
    Nightmare ác mộng, dream mơ, pray cầu

    Trừ ra except, deep sâu
    Daughter con gái, bridge cầu, pond ao
    Enter tạm dịch đi vào
    Thêm for tham dự lẽ nào lại sai

    Shoulder cứ dịch là vai
    Writer văn sĩ, cái đài radio
    A bowl là một cái tô
    Chữ tear nước mắt, tomb mồ, miss cô

    Máy khâu dùng tạm chữ sew
    Kẻ thù dịch đại là foe chẳng lầm
    Shelter tạm dịch là hầm
    Chữ shout là hét, nói thầm whisper

    What time là hỏi mấy giờ
    Clear trong, clean sạch, mờ mờ là dim
    Gặp ông ta dịch see him
    Swim bơi, wade lội, drown chìm chết trôi

    Mountain là núi, hill đồi
    Valley thung lũng, cây sồi oak tree
    Tiền xin đóng học school fee
    Yêu tôi dùng chữ love me chẳng lầm

    To steal tạm dịch cầm nhầm
    Tẩy chay boycott, gia cầm poultry
    Cattle gia súc, ong bee
    Something to eat chút gì để ăn

    Lip môi, tongue lưỡi, teeth răng
    Exam thi cử, cái bằng licence...
    Lovely có nghĩa dễ thương
    Pretty xinh đẹp thường thường so so

    Lotto là chơi lô tô
    Nấu ăn là cook , wash clothes giặt đồ
    Push thì có nghĩa đẩy, xô
    Marriage đám cưới, single độc thân

    Foot thì có nghĩa bàn chân
    Far là xa cách còn gần là near
    Spoon có nghĩa cái thìa
    Toán trừ subtract, toán chia divide

    Dream thì có nghĩa giấc mơ
    Month thì là tháng , thời giờ là time
    Job thì có nghĩa việc làm
    Lady phái nữ, phái nam gentleman

    Close friend có nghĩa bạn thân
    Leaf là chiếc lá, còn sun mặt trời
    Fall down có nghĩa là rơi
    Welcome chào đón, mời là invite

    Short là ngắn, long là dài
    Mũ thì là hat, chiếc hài là shoe
    Autumn có nghĩa mùa thu
    Summer mùa hạ , cái tù là jail

    Duck là vịt , pig là heo
    Rich là giàu có , còn nghèo là poor
    Crab thi` có nghĩa con cua
    Church nhà thờ đó , còn chùa temple

    Aunt có nghĩa dì , cô
    Chair là cái ghế, cái hồ là pool
    Late là muộn , sớm là soon
    Hospital bệnh viẹn , school là trường

    Dew thì có nghĩa là sương
    Happy vui vẻ, chán chường weary
    Exam có nghĩa kỳ thi
    Nervous nhút nhát, mommy mẹ hiền.

    Region có nghĩa là miền,
    Interupted gián đoạn còn liền next to.
    Coins dùng chỉ những đồng xu,
    Còn đồng tiền giấy paper money.

    Here chỉ dùng để chỉ tại đây,
    A moment một lát còn ngay ringht now,
    Brothers-in-law đồng hao.
    Farm-work đòng áng, đồng bào Fellow- countryman

    Narrow- minded chỉ sự nhỏ nhen,
    Open-hended hào phóng còn hèn là mean.
    Vẫn còn dùng chữ still,
    Kỹ năng là chữ skill khó gì!

    Gold là vàng, graphite than chì.
    Munia tên gọi chim ri
    Kestrel chim cắt có gì khó đâu.
    Migrant kite là chú diều hâu
    Warbler chim chích, hải âu petrel

    Stupid có nghĩa là khờ,
    Đảo lên đảo xuống, stir nhiều nhiều.
    How many có nghĩa bao nhiêu.
    Too much nhiều quá , a few một vài

    Right là đúng , wrong là sai
    Chess là cờ tướng , đánh bài playing card
    Flower có nghĩa là hoa
    Hair là mái tóc, da là skin

    Buổi sáng thì là morning
    King là vua chúa, còn Queen nữ hoàng
    Wander có nghĩa lang thang
    Màu đỏ là red, màu vàng yellow

    Yes là đúng, không là no
    Fast là nhanh chóng, slow chậm rì
    Sleep là ngủ, go là đi
    Weakly ốm yếu healthy mạnh lành

    White là trắng, green là xanh
    Hard là chăm chỉ , học hành study
    Ngọt là sweet, kẹo candy
    Butterfly là bướm, bee là con ong

    River có nghĩa dòng sông
    Wait for có nghĩa ngóng trông đợi chờ
    Dirty có nghĩa là dơ
    Bánh mì bread, còn bơ butter

    Bác sĩ thì là doctor
    Y tá là nurse, teacher giáo viên
    Mad dùng chỉ những kẻ điên,
    Everywhere có nghĩa mọi miền gần xa.

    A song chỉ một bài ca.
    Ngôi sao dùng chữ star, có liền!
    Firstly có nghĩa trước tiên
    Silver là bạc , còn tiền money

    Biscuit thì là bánh quy
    Can là có thể, please vui lòng
    Winter có nghĩa mùa đông
    Iron là sắt còn đồng copper

    Kẻ giết người là killer
    Cảnh sát police , lawyer luật sư
    Emigrate là di cư
    Bưu điện post office, thư từ là mail

    Follow có nghĩa đi theo
    Shopping mua sắm còn sale bán hàng
    Space có nghĩa không gian
    Hàng trăm hundred, hàng ngàn thousand

    Stupid có nghĩa ngu đần
    Thông minh smart, equation phương trình
    Television là truyền hình
    Băng ghi âm là tape, chương trình program

    Hear là nghe watch là xem
    Electric là điện còn lamp bóng đèn
    Praise có nghĩa ngợi khen
    Crowd đông đúc, lấn chen hustle

    Capital là thủ đô
    City thành phố , local địa phương
    Country có nghĩa quê hương
    Field là đồng ruộng còn vườn garden

    Chốc lát là chữ moment
    Fish là con cá , chicken gà tơ
    Naive có nghĩa ngây thơ
    Poet thi sĩ , great writer văn hào

    Tall thì có nghĩa là cao
    Short là thấp ngắn, còn chào hello
    Uncle là bác, elders cô.
    Shy mắc cỡ, coarse là thô.

    Come on có nghĩa mời vô,
    Go away đuổi cút, còn vồ pounce.
    Poem có nghĩa là thơ,
    Strong khoẻ mạnh, mệt phờ dog- tiered.

    Bầu trời thường gọi sky,
    Life là sự sống còn die lìa đời
    Shed tears có nghĩa lệ rơi
    Fully là đủ, nửa vời by halves

    Ở lại dùng chữ stay,
    Bỏ đi là leave còn nằm là lie.
    Tomorrow có nghĩa ngày mai
    Hoa sen lotus, hoa lài jasmine

    Madman có nghĩa người điên
    Private có nghĩa là riêng của mình
    Cảm giác là chữ feeling
    Camera máy ảnh hình là photo

    Động vật là animal
    Big là to lớn , little nhỏ nhoi
    Elephant là con voi
    Goby cá bống, cá mòi sardine

    Mỏng mảnh thì là chữ thin
    Cổ là chữ neck, còn chin cái cằm
    Visit có nghĩa viếng thăm
    Lie down có nghĩa là nằm nghỉ ngơi

    Mouse con chuột , bat con dơi
    Separate có nghĩa tách rời , chia ra
    Gift thì có nghĩa món quà
    Guest thì là khách chủ nhà house owner

    Bệnh ung thư là cancer
    Lối ra exit , enter đi vào
    Up lên còn xuống là down
    Beside bên cạnh , about khoảng chừng

    Stop có nghĩa là ngừng
    Ocean là biển , rừng là jungle
    Silly là kẻ dại khờ,
    Khôn ngoan smart, đù đờ luggish

    Hôn là kiss, kiss thật lâu.
    Cửa sổ là chữ window
    Special đặc biệt normal thường thôi
    Lazy... làm biếng quá rồi
    Ngồi mà viết tiếp một hồi die soon
    Hứng thì cứ việc go on,
    Còn không stop ta còn nghỉ ngơi!

    Tiếp nữa nè:

    Hear là nghe watch là xem

    Electric là điện còn lamp bóng đèn

    Praise có nghĩa ngợi khen

    Crowd đông đúc, lấn chen hustle

    Capital là thủ đô

    City thành phố, local địa phương

    Country có nghĩa quê hương

    Field là đồng ruộng, vườn là garden

    Chốc lát là chữ moment

    Fish là con cá, chicken gà tơ

    Naive có nghĩa ngây thơ

    Poet thi sĩ, great writer văn hào

    Tall có nghĩa là cao

    Short là ngắn thấp, chào thì là hi

    Mắc cỡ lại là chữ shy

    Life là sự sống, pased away qua đời

    Shed tears có nghĩa lệ rơi

    Sunny ánh nắng, bầu trời sky

    Tomorrow là ngày mai

    Hoa sen lotus, hoa lài jasmine

    Madman có nghĩa người điên

    Private có nghĩa là riêng của mình

    Cảm giác là chữ feeling

    Camera máy ảnh, hình là photo

    Động vật là animal

    Big là to lớn, little nhỏ nhoi

    Elephant là con voi

    Goby cá bống, cá mòi sardine

    Mỏng manh thì là chữ thin

    Cổ là chữ neck, còn chin cái cằm

    Visit có nghĩa viếng thăm

    Lie down có nghĩa là nằm nghỉ ngơi

    Rat con chuột, bat con dơi

    Separate có nghĩa tách rời, chia ra

    Gift thì có nghĩa món quà

    Guest thì là khách, chủ nhà house owner

    Bệnh ung thư là cancer

    Lối ra exit, enter đi vào

    Up lên, còn xuống là down

    Beside bên cạnh, about khoảng chừng

    Stop có nghĩa là ngừng

    Ocean là biển, rừng là jungle

    Cửa sổ là chữ window

    Special đặc biệt, normal thường thôi

    Lazy làm biếng quá rồi

    Em xin finish cái này ở đây !

    Cập nhật bởi mizuno vào lúc 17/08/2009 22:05:10
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    1 thành viên cảm ơn mizuno vì bài viết hữu ích
    KIDT20042004 (12/03/2012)
  • #16830   18/08/2009


    Sơ sinh

    Hồ Chí Minh, Việt Nam
    Tham gia:06/05/2009
    Tổng số bài viết (108)
    Số điểm: 155
    Cảm ơn: 0
    Được cảm ơn 5 lần

    Không nói được, sao viết được

    Chỗ này mình ko đồng ý cho lắm. Một người bạn nước ngoài đã nói với mình rằng khi mình viết, và khi mình text chát bạn ấy nghĩ mình nói tiếng anh rất tốt. Khi gặp trực tiếp thì có chút kho khăn do mình phát âm ko chuẩn và nghe ko giỏi, có lúc chẳng nghe được. Nhưng vẫn có thể khắc phục được.

    Đối với những người ko có điều kiện gặp người ngoại quốc thường xuyên như chúng ta, ko có điều kiện học nghe nói thì phải học viết và từ vựng thật tốt, ngữ pháp thật tốt. Nếu được như vậy, chỉ cần bạn có cơ hội học nói thì chỉ một thời gian rất ngăn sẽ thấy bạn nói được ngay.

    Nhiều lúc mình nói người ta ko hiểu nhưng viết ra thì họ hiểu đó, vả lại nói chuyện ko hiểu thì tìm cách diễn đạt khác, họ cũng nắm bắt được chút ít.

    Có lúc mình nói 1 câu sai ngữ pháp, ko tự nhiên, viết sai cấu trúc nhưng tìm cách diễn ý mình ra, người ta có thể sửa lại một câu mà nghe rất hay, và biết ngay đó là cái ý mà mình muốn nói.

    Ko có điều kiện học nghe nói trực tiếp bạn có thể học nghe nói online với một partner người ngoại quốc. Tìm một người anh, or mỹ muốn học tiếng việt, cùng dạy và học lẫn nhau cũng có hiệu quả lắm. Bạn có thể thử, mình đã thử rồi. Có điều hơi buồn là số người nói tiếng anh muốn học thêm tiếng việt hơi bị ít.
    Báo quản trị |  
  • #171493   12/03/2012


    Sơ sinh

    Thái Bình, Việt Nam
    Tham gia:10/03/2012
    Tổng số bài viết (19)
    Số điểm: 120
    Cảm ơn: 100
    Được cảm ơn 1 lần

    read some short story:

    #ffffff;">Does your dog bite?

    #ffffff; position: absolute;">
    #ffffff; position: absolute;">
    #ffffff; position: absolute;">


    #ffffff; text-align: center;">Does your dog bite?

    #ffffff; text-align: center;">

    #ffffff; text-align: center;">

    #ffffff;" />


    #ffffff;">A man walks into a pub and sits down next to a man with a dog at his feet. "Does your dog bite?"


    #ffffff;">A few minutes later the dog takes a huge chunk out of his leg.

    #ffffff;">"I thought you said your dog didn't bite!" the man says indignantly.

    #ffffff;">"That's not my dog."

    Báo quản trị |  
  • #171509   12/03/2012


    Sơ sinh

    Thái Bình, Việt Nam
    Tham gia:10/03/2012
    Tổng số bài viết (19)
    Số điểm: 120
    Cảm ơn: 100
    Được cảm ơn 1 lần

    You should learn to be more polite

    One day, Bill and Tom went to a restaurant for dinner. As soon as the waiter brought out two steaks, Bill quickly picked out the bigger steak for himself.

    Tom wasn't happy about that: "When are you going to learn to be polite?"

    Bill: "If you had the chance to pick first, which one would you pick?"

    Tom: "The smaller piece, of course."

    Bill: "What are you whining about then? The smaller piece is what you want, right?"

    The nature of things…

    Life on a bald guy's head…
    "They say that if you cross this desert, you'll find another world just like ours!".

    Lawyer on Vacation

    A lawyer was on vacation in a small farming town. While walking through the streets on a quiet Sunday morning, he came upon a large crowd gathered by the side of the road.

    Going by instinct, the lawyer figured that there was some sort of auto collision. He was eager to get to the injured parties but couldn't get near the car. Being a clever sort, he started shouting loudly, "Let me through! Let me through! I am the son of the victim."

    The crowd made way for him. And lying in front of the car was a donkey.

    Physical training job

    The physical training instructor was drilling a platoon of soldiers.
    "I want every man to lie on his back, put his legs in the air and move them as though he were riding a bicycle," he explained. "Now begin!"

    After a few minutes, one of the men stopped.

    "Why did you stop. Smith?" demanded the officer.

    "If you please, sir," said Smith, "I'm freewheeling for a while."


    - to freewheel: thả cho xe đạp tự chạy (như khi xuống dốc)

    - lie on (one's) back: nằm ngửa

    esus and the Robber

    One night a robber broke into a home and heard a voice say, "Jesus is watching you!" while he rummagged through the desk.

    He replied, "Who said that?!"

    Once again he heard the same thing, "Jesus is watching you!"

    The robber looked around the room only to see a parrot. He asked the parrot what its name was. The parrot replied, "Cornelius."

    The robber said, "What kind of a name is that?! Who names a parrot that?!"

    The parrot said, "The same person who named that rottweiler behind you Jesus!"

    Strength vs. Intelligence

    A strong young man at the construction site was bragging that he could outdo anyone in a feat of strength. He made a special case of making fun of John, one of the older workmen. After several minutes, John had enough.

    "Why don't you put your money where your mouth is?" he said. "I will bet a week's wages that I can haul something in a wheelbarrow over to that outbuilding that you won't be able to wheel back."

    "You're on, old man," the braggart replied. "It's a bet! Let's see what you got."

    John reached out and grabbed the wheelbarrow by the handles. Then, nodding to the young man, he said, "All right. Get in."

    Too much speeding

    A police officer in a small town stopped a motorist who was speeding down Main Street.

    "But, officer," the man began, "I can explain"

    "Just be quiet," snapped the officer. "I'm going to let you cool your heels in jail until the chief gets back."

    "But, officer, I just wanted to say"

    "And I said to keep quiet! You're going to jail!"

    A few hours later the officer looked in on his prisoner and said, "Lucky for you that the chief's at his daughter's wedding.He'll be in a good mood when he gets back."

    "Don't count on it," answered the fellow in the cell. "I'm the groom."

    Working in the garden

    A prisoner in jail received a letter from his wife:

    "I have decided to plant some lettuce in the back garden. When is the best time to plant them?"

    The prisoner, knowing that the prison guards read all the mail, replied in a letter:

    "Dear Wife, whatever you do, DO NOT touch the back garden! That is where I hid all the gold."

    A week or so later, he received another letter from his wife:

    "You wouldn't believe what happened. Some men came with shovels to the house, and dug up the whole back garden."

    The prisoner wrote another letter:

    "Dear wife, NOW is the best time to plant the lettuce!"

    Does your dog bite?

    A man walks into a pub and sits down next to a man with a dog at his feet. "Does your dog bite?"


    A few minutes later the dog takes a huge chunk out of his leg.

    "I thought you said your dog didn't bite!" the man says indignantly.

    "That's not my dog."

    Báo quản trị |  
  • #171510   12/03/2012


    Sơ sinh

    Thái Bình, Việt Nam
    Tham gia:10/03/2012
    Tổng số bài viết (19)
    Số điểm: 120
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    Được cảm ơn 1 lần

    #e1e1ff;">Born in the year of the Cat
    #e1e1ff;" />
    #e1e1ff;" /> #e1e1ff; font-family: verdana; font-size: 13px;">My sign is the Cat. I actually liked cats. When I was a child I preferred cats to dogs. Cats and kittens were always so cute that I tried to caress them or put them in my lap against all warnings of possible diseases by seniors when I was alone with them. Fortunately, I have never contracted any illnesses from these pets.
    Later on , It struck me to a daze when the first time I had learned that the cycle of Chinese zodiac does not have the sign of the Cat; instead the Rabbit is what the origin of our long term employed lunar calendar, still revered by today’s people in the countryside, included in this zodiac. This fact revealed blew me off toward the side of what like a nondescript personal feeling. It is now still hard to interpret that feeling. Does it feel like the first disillusion to a devotee? How do children in the West feel when they first know that Santa Claus’s sqeezing down the chimney to deliver gifts is just a hoax? I have been thus since wondering.
    The truth is that I began to lose interest in cats, somewhat even a little of an aversion to them. More to that could have been my adult lifestyle at the twist and turn of time too, as I began to drink alcohol and of course tried all kinds of recipes. Dog meat and cat meat were exotic for me then.
    The most destructible prejudice came sometime later when I learned the English word “ copycat” . I could no longer kept myself unbiased; everything associated with the word copycat lured me into vitriolic slander, impugn and libel...! No matter how ingenuous or honest a man was, if he was a copycat in any field, I assumed that he was bad and despicable. The copycat singer Elvis Phương who imitated Elvis Presley, Carol Kim/ Carol King; the current copycat TV shows of American Idol, Who wants to be a millionaire, The Price is right, Dance with the stars and what to come later....were in my repertoire of animosity.
    I am seriously working toward the path of spirituality to purge off that bad karma. I hope that deep vigil meditation and Dharma learning will soon cure.
    Báo quản trị |  
  • #171511   12/03/2012


    Sơ sinh

    Thái Bình, Việt Nam
    Tham gia:10/03/2012
    Tổng số bài viết (19)
    Số điểm: 120
    Cảm ơn: 100
    Được cảm ơn 1 lần

    Love story

    Once upon a time, there was an island where all the feelings lived: Happiness, Sadness, Knowledge, and all of the others including Love. One day it was announced to the feelings that the island would sink, so all repaired their boats and left. 
    Love wanted to persevere until the last possible moment. When the island was almost sinking, Love decided to ask for help. Richness was passing by Love in a grand boat. Love said, "Richness, can you take me with you?" Richness answered, "No, I can''''''''''''''''t. There is a lot of gold and silver in my boat. There is no place here for you." 
    Love decided to ask Vanity who was also passing by in a beautiful vessel, "Vanity, please help me!" "I can''''''''''''''''t help you Love. You are all wet and might damage my boat." Vanity answered. 
    Sadness was close by so Love asked for help, "Sadness, let me go with you." "Oh....Love, I am so sad that I need to be by myself!" 
    Happiness passed by Love too, but he was so happy that she did not even hear when Love called her! 
    Suddenly, there was a voice, "Come Love, I will take you." It was an elder. Love felt so blessed and overjoyed that he even forgot to ask the elder his name. When they arrived at dry land, the elder went his own way. 
    Love realizing how much he owed the elder and asked Knowledge, another elder, "Who helped me?" "It was Time," Knowledge answered. "Time?" asked Love. "But why did Time help me?" Knowledge smiled with deep wisdom and answered, "Because, only Time is capable of understanding how great Love is." 

    Câu chuyện Tình yêu 

    Ngày xửa ngày xưa có một hòn đảo là nơi trú ngụ của tất cả các cảm xúc: Hạnh phúc, Nỗi buồn, Tri thức và tất cả những cảm xúc khác gồm cả Tình yêu. Vào một ngày nọ, các cư dân trên đảo được thông báo rằng hòn đảo sẽ bị chìm. Tất cả mọi người đều chuẩn bị rời đi chỉ riêng Tình yêu vẫn muốn ở lại tới giây phút cuối cùng.
    Khi hòn đảo hầu như đã chìm hẳn, Tình yêu mới quyết định tìm người giúp. Lúc đó anh chàng Giàu có ngang qua trên một con tàu lớn. Tình yêu gọi "Anh Giàu có ơi, anh làm ơn cho Tình yêu đi cùng được không?". "Tình yêu, tôi không thể. Con tàu của tôi chứa đầy vàng bạc, không còn chỗ cho Tình yêu nữa." 
    Tình yêu quay sang cầu cứu anh Phù phiếm cũng vừa ngang qua trên một con tàu lộng lẫy . "Hãy giúp em, anh Phù phiếm!". "Không, anh không thể, Tình yêu. Em ướt sũng thế kia sẽ làm hỏng con tàu xinh đẹp của anh mất" . Phù Phiếm trả lời.
    Khi Nỗi buồn đi qua, Tình yêu lại nhờ giúp đỡ. "Nội buồn ơi, cho Tình yêu đi cũng được không?" "Oh, Tình yêu... tôi đang buồn đến mức chỉ muốn ở một mình thôi."
    Hạnh phúc cũng đi ngang qua nhưng cô ấy đang hạnh phúc đến mức không nghe thấy lời cầu cứu của Tình yêu.
    Bỗng nhiên một giọng nói vang lên:"Hãy đi cũng ta, Tình yêu." Đó là một người đã đứng tuổi. Tình yêu đắm chìm trong vui sướng và may mắn đến quên việc hỏi tên người đàn ông đó. Khi tới một vùng đất khô ráo, người đàn ông đó đã đi mất. Tình yêu cảm thấy mắc nợ người đàn ông đã cứu giúp mình quá nhiều, cô tìm hỏi Tri thức, một người lớn tuổi khác "Ai đã cứu cháu hả bác?". "Thời gian đấy." Tri thức trả lời. "Nhưng tại sao Thời gian lại giúp cháu hả bác?" Tình yêu hỏi. "Bởi vì chỉ có Thời gian mới hiểu được Tình yêu tuyệt diệu đến thế nào." Tri thức trả lời với nụ cười thông thái trên môi. 

    Differences between Guy and Girl: Guys drink to forget about the girl.. Girls drink to think back about the guy.. Guys can forget, but cannot forgive.. Girls can forgive, but cannot forget.. Guys care the most about the quantity of love.. Girls care the most about the quality of love.. Guys break-up when they feel love from another girl.. Girls break-up when they feel the feeling of separation from her man.. Guys feel curiosity towards all girls.. Girls feel curiosity towards guys who care interested in her.. When guys are heartbroken, they try to forget about the girl by going out with another girl.. When girls are heartbroken, they try to find his characteristics from another guy.. Guys wish to be her first love.. And girls wish to be his last

    Sự khác biệt giữa chàng trai và cô gái:

    Chàng trai uống để quên về những cô gái, cô gái uống để nghĩ về những chàng trai...Chàng trai có thể lãng quên nhưng không thể tha thứ, cô gái có thể tha thứ nhưng không thể lãng quên....Chàng trai quan tâm nhất về tình yêu và cô gái cũng vậy....Tình yêu của các chàng trai tan vỡ khi họ cảm nhận tình yêu từ những cô gái khác và tình yêu của các cô gái tan vỡ khi họ cảm nhận được sự chia tay từ những người đàn ông của cô gái... Chang trai luôn tò mò với tất cả những cô gái và những cô gái cũng luôn để ý đến những chàng trai người mà quan tâm tới cô...Khi trái tim những chàng trai bị tổn thương, họ sẽ cố quên cô gái đó bằng cách đi chơi với những cô gái khác.Khi trái tim của những cô gái bị tổn thương họ sẽ cố gắng tìm những đặc tính của chàng trai đó từ những chàng trai khác.Chàng trai ước mong là tình yêu đầu của cô gái và cô gái ước là người yêu cuối cùng của chàng trai.....

    86th Street and the Summer of Love Colin C. Conway

    Give me a second

    #e1e1ff;">A man was wandering in the woods, pondering all the mysteries of life and his own personal problems. The man didn’t find the answers, so he sought help from God.

    #e1e1ff;">“God? You there, God?” he asked.

    #e1e1ff;">“Yes. What is it, my son?” God answered.

    #e1e1ff;">“Mind if I ask a few questions?” the man asked.

    #e1e1ff;">“Go ahead, my son, anything”.

    #e1e1ff;">“God, what is a million years to you?”

    #e1e1ff;">God answered, “A million years to me is only a second.”

    #e1e1ff;">The man asked, “God, what is a million dollars worth to you?”

    #e1e1ff;">God replied, “A million dollars to me is worth only a penny.”

    #e1e1ff;">The man lifted his eyebrows and asked his final question.

    #e1e1ff;">“God, can I have a penny?”

    #e1e1ff;">God answered, “Sure, give me a second.”


    #e1e1ff;">Chờ ta một giây thôi

    #e1e1ff;">Một người đi lang thang trong rừng, suy nghĩ về những diều thần bí của cuộc sống và những vấn đề riêng tư của anh ta. Người đó không thể tìm ra câu trả lời, do đó anh ta đi tìm Chúa.

    #e1e1ff;">“Chúa thân mến, Chúa có đây không?” anh ta hỏi.

    #e1e1ff;">“Ta đây. Con cần gì hả con trai?” Chúa trả lời.

    #e1e1ff;">“Con có thể hỏi Chúa mấy điều được không?” anh ta hỏi tiếp.

    #e1e1ff;">“Cứ hỏi đi, con trai của ta”.

    #e1e1ff;">Anh ta hỏi: “Chúa thân mến, một triệu năm với Người là bao nhiêu?”

    #e1e1ff;">Chúa trả lời: “Một triệu năm với ta chỉ là một giây”.

    #e1e1ff;">Anh ta hỏi tiếp: “Chúa thân mến, một triệu đô la đối với Người là bao nhiêu?”

    #e1e1ff;">Chúa đáp: “Một triệu đô la với ta chỉ là một xu”.

    #e1e1ff;">Người đàn ông nhướn mày lên và hỏi câu hỏi cuối cùng.

    #e1e1ff;">“Chúa có thể cho con một xu được không?”

    #e1e1ff;">Chúa đáp: “Được chứ, chờ ta một giây thôi.”

    #e1e1ff; font-size: 14px;">Prodigal Son and Former Gang Member Who Fought and Trafficked Drugs Turns His Life Around

    #e1e1ff;">By Clearwisdom correspondent Zheng Yuyan from Taipei, Taiwan 

    #e1e1ff;">An official at the Taiyuan Prison in Taitung, Taiwan always encourages hundreds of prisoners with this exhortation, "Think about Mr. Lin Jiaxiang. After he began practicing Falun Gong, he became a very good person. His outlook on life changed. After his release from here, he is no longer a gang member. He got a legitimate job and lives openly and righteously. You should learn from him. Only by making a radical change in heart like he did will you gain a new life." 

    #e1e1ff;">Recalling with Emotion 

    #e1e1ff;">As the saying goes, "A prodigal son who returns is more precious than gold." This is even more difficult for those engaged in gangs and who are drug addicts. Mr. Lin Jiaxiang said, "Falun Dafa saved me. I'm fortunate. Without Falun Gong I couldn't have made the radical change in heart. Without Falun Gong, following my release, I would have returned to the life of a gangster, no matter how long I was in prison or how well I performed while inside. That is why I very much appreciate the opportunity to encounter practitioners' disseminating Falun Gong to us in the Taiyuan Prison, to have more than a year to learn the beauty of Falun Gong, and then to step onto the cultivation path. Having missed the introduction would be the biggest regret in my life." Looking back, Mr. Lin Jiaxiang was filled with appreciation and gratitude. 

    #e1e1ff;">Terrible Wild Days 

    #e1e1ff;">Mr. Lin had only an elementary school education, as his family couldn't afford additional education. Mr. Lin had to work at a shoe factory as an apprentice. He quickly developed many bad habits while living in the factory's dormitory. He worked in the shoe factory for two or three years, and afterwards followed his neighbor into life in a gang. He was only 18 years old. Since then, he lived by gambling and aided others to collect debts. Swords, and guns, sticks and fists became his special skills. He often fought with others. Although his family worried much about him he didn't pay attention at all and gradually became a top bad fellow in his local area. 

    #e1e1ff;">Mr. Lin Jiaxiang became addicted to drugs at age 33 years. He explained, "Once you take drugs, you easily become addicted within several days. When suffering withdrawal from drugs, I vomited and purged, shivered in tears and had a nasal discharge. The most terrible suffering was that I felt as if hundreds of thousand ants moved and bit inside my bones. I couldn't catch them and had to suffer tremendous itching and pain. Sometimes I couldn't bear it and ran up against a wall. That kind of fidgeting and pain was like a living death. The only thing in my mind was, 'Give me drugs to immediately relieve the pain.' To get drugs, I did all kinds of bad things. But my remaining bit of conscience prevented me from killing." To have enough money to buy drugs, Mr. Lin trafficked in drugs. 

    #e1e1ff;">Six Petitions for Release on Parole Were Denied 

    #e1e1ff;">In 1992, Mr. Lin Jiaxiang was given life imprisonment for drug trafficking. He was sent to the Taipei Prison and then transferred to the Taiyuan Prison in Taitung. Although consuming wine and drugs was forbidden, Mr. Lin still smoked, gambled and fought with others. He said, "Prisoners were required to work. Everyone followed a well-arranged schedule. I had more free time, and started to review my life. At one time I was inspired by Christianity, and I also studied Buddhist texts for three years. But I still felt empty and didn't lessen any of my bad habits." I applied six times for early parole when my prison term reached the minimum requirement for release, but all applications were denied. 

    #e1e1ff;">Having lived in prison for 12 years Mr. Lin began to examine himself, questioning, "Will my life go like this to the end?" He didn't know how he could get out of the mire and create a new path for himself. 

    #e1e1ff;">First to Sign Up for Falun Gong Study 

    #e1e1ff;">One day in 2003, prison officials notified the inmates that Falun Gong practitioners were coming to teach the practice, and anyone who wanted to learn could sign up. Mr. Lin said, "As soon as I heard that, I went to sign up. I was the first one. Since then, my happiest time every week was studying the Fa and doing the exercises. Practitioners only came one day per week. It was the day that we all looked forward to every week." 

    #e1e1ff;">After studying the Fa and doing the exercises for a while, Mr. Lin calmed down and gradually felt the miracle of Dafa. He said, "Through the Fa principle of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance, practitioners know what they should do and what they shouldn't do, in words and deeds. Falun Gong can really help people to practice cultivation; fundamentally changing people. I am the most obvious example." 

    #e1e1ff;">Cherishing the Reformation Opportunity 

    #e1e1ff;">Mr. Lin shared two experiences. "When I was first in touch with Falun Gong, just casually knowing it, helped me to quickly eliminate my smoking addiction. Regarding the gambling, however, I was still addicted to it and fought with others sometimes. I once fought with another prisoner, and hurt him with a carving knife. Although the other prisoner was only slightly hurt, my using a knife was still a very serious violation of the law. Officials usually immediately transferred fighters to other prisons. However, the official who dealt with this matter forgave us and made those involved apologize to each other. I was in a cold sweat from fear at that moment. It was very clear that I was fortunate, because Master gave me another opportunity. If I was transferred to another prison where there was no environment to study the Fa, I might miss out on learning the practice. After this incident I was determined to become a genuine practitioner who truly practiced according to Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance." 

    #e1e1ff;">Succeeded in Not Fighting Back When Being Punched or Insulted--Impossible In the Past 

    #e1e1ff;">Soon after the above-mentioned incident, Mr. Lin had a conflict with another prisoner related to gambling. That prisoner fist-cuffed him. Mr. Lin immediately remembered Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance, and bore it successfully. All the other prisoners and guards found this unbelievable. Mr. Lin said, "This would be impossible in the past. Before I practiced Falun Gong, if others treated me bad, I then treated them worse. It was impossible for me to bear others' fists. But since practicing cultivation I came to understand some principles. I know that I need to be strict with myself and endure it." 

    #e1e1ff;">He gradually developed a deep understanding of the Fa principles. He disciplined himself according to Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance and gradually eliminated all of his bad habits, including gambling. His temper also became better and better. He was able to maintain a compassionate and kind mindset. Sometimes he also advised other prisoners to be good, already considering himself a genuine practitioner. He was released on parole a year after beginning the practice. 

    #e1e1ff;">Living Upright and Openly 

    #e1e1ff;">Mr. Lin said, "I was very fortunate to obtain the Fa in prison. All prisoners have grievances and harbor hatred due to the detention, but I feel it was worthwhile for me since I obtained the Fa. The greatest significance of my imprisonment was that I could practice Falun Gong, which completely changed my life." 

    #e1e1ff;">Following his release Mr. Lin often went to Taipe's Xindian Drug Rehabilitation Center and helped people there by relating his own experiences with practitioners who helped him gain a new life. His family was happy about his changes. He has returned to his home in Sanxia, Taipei County, and has a legitimate job. He manages an airport transportation service with his friends and enjoys a full and meaningful life. 

    #e1e1ff;">Friends from his former gangs sometimes still come to see Mr. Lin. He doesn't discriminate against them, just as practitioners accepted him before. He sometimes chats with those friends, shares his experiences, tells them of the wonders of Falun Dafa, and then advises them to be good. 

    #e1e1ff;">Magnanimous and Upright New Life 

    #e1e1ff;">Mr. Lin said, "Falun Dafa let me clearly know the difference between good and bad, and what I should do, as well as what I shouldn't do. I am no longer affected by illegal things, no matter how much money they could bring to me or how easy they may be." He gave an example, having encountered an international drug dealer after he was released, "International drug dealers usually trade in very large amounts of money. It is easy to earn several million. After practicing Falun Dafa, those temptations couldn't move my heart because I fundamentally understand that they harm others and the dealers themselves. Falun Dafa can fundamentally change people's notions and can improve society's spiritual demeanor. I am a living witness." 

    #e1e1ff;">Spreading the Wonders of Dafa to All Sentient Beings 

    #e1e1ff;">Mr. Lin Jiaxiang often goes to travel sites to clarify the truth and tell people the wonderfulness of Falun Dafa 

    #e1e1ff;">Time permitting, Mr. Lin Jiaxiang goes to tourist site such as the "Dr. Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall" and the "101 Building" to clarify the truth about Falun Gong and the persecution. He wants to tell everyone, especially visitors from China, about the wonders of Falun Dafa

    #e1e1ff;">Born in the year of the Cat

    #e1e1ff;">My sign is the Cat. I actually liked cats. When I was a child I preferred cats to dogs. Cats and kittens were always so cute that I tried to caress them or put them in my lap against all warnings of possible diseases by seniors when I was alone with them. Fortunately, I have never contracted any illnesses from these pets.
    Later on , It struck me to a daze when the first time I had learned that the cycle of Chinese zodiac does not have the sign of the Cat; instead the Rabbit is what the origin of our long term employed lunar calendar, still revered by today’s people in the countryside, included in this zodiac. This fact revealed blew me off toward the side of what like a nondescript personal feeling. It is now still hard to interpret that feeling. Does it feel like the first disillusion to a devotee? How do children in the West feel when they first know that Santa Claus’s sqeezing down the chimney to deliver gifts is just a hoax? I have been thus since wondering.
    The truth is that I began to lose interest in cats, somewhat even a little of an aversion to them. More to that could have been my adult lifestyle at the twist and turn of time too, as I began to drink alcohol and of course tried all kinds of recipes. Dog meat and cat meat were exotic for me then.
    The most destructible prejudice came sometime later when I learned the English word “ copycat” . I could no longer kept myself unbiased; everything associated with the word copycat lured me into vitriolic slander, impugn and libel...! No matter how ingenuous or honest a man was, if he was a copycat in any field, I assumed that he was bad and despicable. The copycat singer Elvis Phương who imitated Elvis Presley, Carol Kim/ Carol King; the current copycat TV shows of American Idol, Who wants to be a millionaire, The Price is right, Dance with the stars and what to come later....were in my repertoire of animosity.
    I am seriously working toward the path of spirituality to purge off that bad karma. I hope that deep vigil meditation and Dharma learning will soon cure.

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  • #171512   12/03/2012


    Sơ sinh

    Thái Bình, Việt Nam
    Tham gia:10/03/2012
    Tổng số bài viết (19)
    Số điểm: 120
    Cảm ơn: 100
    Được cảm ơn 1 lần



    In the reign of Emperor Hung-Vuong the Sixth, Vietnam was a peaceful and prosperous country. The Red River was always crowded with boats. Paddy fields extended to the horizon. People were happy.

    Then suddenly, from the North came the An invaders. On their war paths, they burned down cities, murdered innocent people and committed all kinds of cruel acts. They destroyed most of the country and made life miserable for the people.

    The army of the emperor could not stop the enemy. Emperor Hung-Vuong sent messengers everywhere, trying to find someone who could drive the An invaders out. Young men gathered around those messengers, and listened to the appeal of the emperor. But nobody seemed to be able to save the country.

    At the time, in the village of Phu-Dong, lived an old couple with their baby son. Their son was already three years old, and yet, he could neither sit up, nor could he say a word. His old parents were very unhappy.

    One day, the emperor's messenger came to the village. He started to read the appeal out loud. Giong, as the boy was named, sat up. He called out his parents and told them he wanted to talk to the messenger. Although the old father was greatly surprised at his son's sudden ability to talk, he rushed out to ask the messenger to come inside.

    Before the messenger could say any thing, Giong asked the man to return to the capital and told the emperor that he needed an iron horse, an armor and an iron rod to fight the An invaders. The words from the little boy sounded so clear and so powerful that the messenger quickly obeyed and went back to the imperial court.

    At the request of the messenger, the emperor ordered that all iron from the imperial warehouse be made available He called in every blacksmith of the country to the capital. There, they worked day and night melting down the iron. Then they made a huge horse, a large armor and a long rod of iron.

    During this time, at the village of Phu-Dong, Giong started to eat. He ate more and more each day and he grew up very fast. People in the village had to bring more rice to feed Giong who finished one large pot of rice after another. He finally grew up to be a giant.

    Then came the day when the imperial guards brought the iron horse, the armor and the rod to Phu-Dong. Giong stood up, stretched his arms and put on the armor. He seized the rod and quickly mounted the iron horse. Soldiers and young men from the village followed him to the front.
    Giong rode off on his horse. The iron horse roared like thunders and breathed fire from its nostrils Behind were soldiers carrying swords and lances vowing to fight the enemies.

    When he saw the enemies, Giong sped forward, charging straight into to the An invaders. The fire from the nostrils of the iron horse burned many enemy soldiers to death, Giong struck at the enemies with his iron rod. The enemy soldiers soon broke ranks and fled, leaving behind their dead and wounded.

    The enemies were reinforced with their best generals. Giong again rode into the battle and killed most of the An generals. As a result, the iron rod in his hand broke and became useless.

    Giong pulled scores of bamboo trees from a nearby forest and used them to fight the enemies. Then the trees broke, he pulled up others along the way. The last enemy general was killed with those bamboo trees. The invaders were defeated.

    Giong ordered his soldiers to return to the capital to bring the victorious news to the emperor. Then Giong rode his iron horse up the Soc sÖn mountain where he removed his armor and disappeared. People believed he went up to heaven.

    Emperor Hung-Vuong thought it was God who had sent Giong down to save the country. He gave orders that a temple be built in memory of Giong. He also awarded Giong the title of Heavenly King of Phu-Dong. A temple can still be found not far from the place where he ascended to heaven, and every year there is a festival to honor Giong.
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  • #171514   12/03/2012


    Sơ sinh

    Thái Bình, Việt Nam
    Tham gia:10/03/2012
    Tổng số bài viết (19)
    Số điểm: 120
    Cảm ơn: 100
    Được cảm ơn 1 lần


    Once upon a time, the sixth son of King Hung Vuong the Fifth named An-Tiem disobeyed the King's order and was exiled to a deserted island.

    The Prince had to build his own shelter, dig a well for water, and fish and hunt animals for food. One day, he found a green fruit as big and round as a ball. He split the fruit into halves and found the inside of the fruit red. He dared not eat it because he was afraid it was poisonous.

    Days passed and the dry and sunny season came. It was so hot that all the plants were dry and the well had no water left. One day An-Tiem was so tired and thirsty that he tasted the fruit He found out that it tasted delicious and quenched his thirst. He tried to grow the plant around his house then. Soon the whole island was covered with the green fruit.

    An-Tiem carved the island's name and his own on some of the fruit and threw them into the sea. Later, seamen found the strange fruit with An-Tiem's name floating in the sea.

    Soon, words about the fruit reached the continent and many merchants tried to find the way the island. This then turned the deserted island into a busy island. The island was now crowded. Many boats came and went. An-Tiem helped anyone who wanted settle on the island. Soon, news about that reach the King.

    King Hung Vuong was very proud of having a son who was brave and strong enough to overcome difficulties without anyone's help. An-Tiem was immediately summoned back to the court. He brought his fruit with him to offer the King, his father. The King gave him his crown and An-Tiem became King Hung Vuong VI.

    Since then the fruit which was called "dua hau" and has become the symbol of luck; people often offer it to relatives and friends as a New Year present. 1
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  • #171515   12/03/2012


    Sơ sinh

    Thái Bình, Việt Nam
    Tham gia:10/03/2012
    Tổng số bài viết (19)
    Số điểm: 120
    Cảm ơn: 100
    Được cảm ơn 1 lần


    Adapted by George F. Schultz

    The events described in this legend are said to have taken place during the reign of the Emperor Le Anh Tong, who ruled over Dai Viet from 1556 to 1573.

    Since the exiled princess was a daughter of Ngoc Hoang, the Emperor of Jade, supreme deity of the Taoists, we may suppose that the story is of Taoist inspiration.

    The legend is sometimes entitled "The Exiled Fairy" since the celestial princess was of course an immortal or fairy (tien).

    One autumn night, the Emperor Le Anh Tong had a strange prophetic dream. Under the high ceiling of a vast hall, the supporting columns of which were made of the four precious stones he saw two rows of mandarins, arrayed in magnificent court dress, standing attentively. In the center of the hall, at the top of the nine steps, Ngoc Hoang, the Jade Emperor, dressed in a magnificent tunic embroidered with golden dragons, was seated on his throne.

    A young maiden then entered the hall; as she walked toward, the pearls dangling from the sash at her waist tingled harmoniously. Standing near the steps leading up to the throne, she held in her hands a jade cup in which she offered Ngoc Hoang the Wine of Longevity. As the Jade Emperor learned forward to receive the cup, it fell from the maiden's grasp and crashed to the floor, breaking into a thousand pieces.

    Immediately, a genie seated to the Jade Emperor's left was seen to open a large book and inscribe two characters therein. Two courtiers then conducted the unfortunate maiden towards a door over which was written in golden characters "EXILE BY IMPERIAL DECREE." This inscription was followed by the character for "south (nam)". It was evident that because of her carelessness in serving the Jade Emperor the maiden had been banished from the Celestial Empire and thenceforth would have to seek an existence on the dark, unfriendly Earth below.

    Emperor Le Anh Tong awakened with a start. The palace was filled with a bright light, and the sweet smell of incense invaded his chamber. A courtier was kneeling on the phoenix-embroidered mat; when ordered to speak, he informed the emperor that during the night the empress had given birth to a princess. She was named Lieu Hanh.

    As Princess Lieu Hanh grew to womanhood, she became famous throughout the Empire of Dai Viet for her perfect beauty. She preferred to live in a small palace at some distance from the court, which her father had been pleased to build for her there so that she might pursue her studies in quietude.

    The princess loved to sit at the edge of a pool fringed with lotus blossoms, painting rustic landscapes or playing the lute or the flute. She would oftentimes compose verses in honor of the four seasons of the year, and these she would then sing to her own accompaniment.

    As the pure tones of the maiden's lute floated through the soft air of the garden, the Emperor would go there to listen. Then he would be struck by a sad melancholy which seemed to penetrate to his very soul. He would frown as he spoke.

    "Why must you play these sorrowful airs?" he would ask.

    Having no answer for her father's question, Princess Lieu Hanh would remain silent.

    When the Emperor decided that it was time for the princess to marry, he selected a handsome young mandarin named Dao Lang to be her husband. Although she seemed quite happy with married life, three years later the princess took sick and died.

    After his wife's death, the mandarin was rarely seen at court. He spent most of his time in the princess's little palace, where he could sit at the edge of the lotus pool. He had kept a few locks of his wife's hair, which still retained the fragrance of her perfume. In the silent garden he seemed to hear again the pure tones of the lute of former times.

    At the end of a year, as was the custom, Princess Lieu Hanh's coffin was opened so that her remains could be laid to rest in her permanent tomb. When the coffin was found to be empty, Dao Lang turned pale and was unable to speak or move.

    The following day, the mandarin requested an audience with the Emperor and begged to be permitted to resign his position at court so that he might retire to his native village of Ton Huong, in Nghe An province. His resignation was accepted.

    On Dao Lang's return to his native village, he again visited the sites dear to the Immortals. The rumble of the sea was heard beneath the purple slopes of Mt. Hoanh Son, the home of flocks of colorful herons. The little village of Ton Huong was backed against a hill covered with fragrant plants. Dao Lang was fond of strolling about under the tall trees, where he could listen to the murmur of a hidden spring that seemed to accompany his reveries.

    One day, the young widower set off along a path shaded by century-old sophoras; it led to an old temple, the half-broken steps of which lay hidden under piles of dead leaves. On a branch he saw a piece of red paper on which were written some verses in old characters, their meaning unclear. For a moment he thought he detected footsteps on the soft moss; but he saw no one.

    The following day, he returned to the temple and waited. There was a mysterious rustle in the silent woods; then a little puff of wind bearing a familiar fragrance met his steps as he moved forward. Suddenly he perceived the shadow of the loved one of yesteryear appear under the dark vault of the sophoras.

    The princess's approach was signaled by the sound of the pearls dangling from the sash at her waist. When they met, she told her husband of her origin and of how she had come to be exiled to the Earth.

    "The period of my exile has come to a close," she said, "but the magic peace of the garden and the lotus pond will remain with me forever. Today we have met again; however, no one can say how long we may be able to remain together."

    In the shade of a mango tree, a son was born to the reunited couple; their happiness seemed complete. One evening, the princess played some old familiar melodies on the flute. The cold tones slipping from the instrument produced a feeling of nostalgia. When the last note had faded away, Dao Lang stood motionless, looking at the moonlight on a quiet bay.

    From afar, as if from an unknown land, a serene melody rose through the air. Then it faded into space, although the effect seemed to remain. Lieu Hanh shuddered; laying aside the flute, she walked towards her husband.

    "It is time to part again," she said simply. "Farewell."

    Dao Lang gave no sign of comprehension. Slowly his wife receded towards he door and raised the curtain. The sound of her pearls tinkled harmoniously and then everything was silent.

    Their son became a famous scholar.

    Dao Lang erected a small altar under the sophoras in the sacred woods hat had witnessed his meeting with Princess Lieu Hanh. This altar is till to be seen in the vicinity of Ton Huong. 1
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